He made three points regarding this verse: firstly in order to teach it is necessary to be dedicated, and even to have a vocation for it, that the most effective teachers don't stumble into it by chance. Secondly that an effective teacher needs training and, possibly, experience of what they are teaching- we can't teach unless first taught. And thirdly that in order for teachers to prevail in their work they need to practise what is in their hearts, communicating through their living.
I remember studying this passage when I was at College doing my teacher training and wondering how I could possibly live up to all that God requires, as well as the human responsibility of being a teacher. It seemed such an enormous undertaking, with so many years of life before me to get it terribly wrong! Well, there are less years before me now, but I still have to trust that God knows what He's doing sending me into classrooms, because the whole 'thing' of teaching still overwhelms me, and that's just on one day a week!!!
Its another beautiful day today, so after the school run I went outside and took some garden photos. Sos begins College today, and is very excited. B forgot her games kit in the car and came dashing back as I was pulling out into the traffic, and I noticed the student in the car behind did exactly the same thing! Traffic block! The borrowed car from the garage is fine, and I managed not to crunch anything in the traffic this morning!
I think I'm waffling just to put off getting on with the Monday chores...
You gave those kids a wonderful memory by allowing them to have this great day. You did good, Mom.
Why thank you!
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