Welcome to my Fabulous Studio...actually, its in my kitchen! We have a lovely big kitchen as I am used to hosting streams of
gangly teenagers so, although today my workspace is all open and viewable, on another day it might be all packed away and the space taken up with extended tables, up to twenty chairs, loud music, and
youngsters cooking for themselves and having (loud!!) fun.
By the way, if you have the soundtrack to 'Top Gun' please play it whilst you take the tour as at present it is my favourite working music! (Yeah yeah, showing my age, don't tell me!!)
Here is the Dining table (extension closed) with my latest project being put together.

Behind the table I am using the grey trolley table as a cutting space. You can laugh, but the Hub pulled it out of a skip in the Industrial Area a few years back! The height is
adjustable, and there is a pull out section (here pulled out) which extends the surface. Sometimes I sit at it but I also transfer the sewing machine onto it at standing height if I want to machine quilt as I find that easier on my back. Very useful!

Storage...sometimes all pushed under the work-table, but I hauled the boxes out looking for yellow fabric. The chair is also out of a skip- at the Recycling Center, this time! I love the big African baskets, of which I have several; I can hide a multitude of sins in there! Many, many years ago I even found one of my children in an empty basket hiding from me because she had been bold!

My lovely old pine cupboard, and plastic drawer trolley.

Terribly tidy and well-organised contents...I DON'T think!

Sewing space right by the cupboard, with extra
expandable desk lamp. Those are cookery books, by the way, my sewing books are out in the hall. All the
threads and notions are to hand in boxes and cartons on the table.

More storage out in the hall, right by the kitchen, along with a load of houseplants which have to be battled through if I want something out of the end white drawer!

And opposite the above cupboards, the quilt frame with this week's finished quilt top. I love hand quilting but as it is so time consuming I have begin teaching myself to machine quilt. The Hub planed down 2''x2'' lengths of timber to make my frame fifteen or more years ago and it has done good service. Five minutes after I finished putting the quilt up this morning Ben-dog (black Labrador) came galloping in covered in burrs and ran along underneath the quilt. So first I had to catch and
de-burr him, and then crawl under the quilt to
de-burr the backing!

So there you have my workspace. I like being in the
kitchen with people around, and also it is warm in the winter with the range which means not having to turn on the heating during the daytime. Perhaps one day I'll have a dedicated Studio, but I'm in no hurry...as long as the children keep their bread and jam away from my fabric!
Thank you for visiting!
I love seeing a peek into quilter's sewing and creative spaces! You are a lot like me. I like to pull my stuff out of my sewing room and spread out in my kitchen for extended projects. My husband thinks it takes over the space too much though.
I could so relate to what you shared. If you read my blog (I'm part of the virtual tour) I think you will see the connections; I have 6 sons! Stop by and visit and we'll have a virtual cup of tea. Blessings!
My "rescued" pieces are some of my favorites (like the chairs you see in my studio tour). And the baskets are great! Thanks for sharing.
'Top Gun'? Me too!! Or the music from 'Beverly Hills Cop'. Thanks for the fun tour.
Mary Anne
Have you thought about opening up a studio?
Opening up a studio-hmm...you mean apart from the herds of buffalo and rhino who charge through most weekends?
Wow! you've done well with your "studio" given that it's your kitchen, and it must be a big one as you said!! Really like that pine cupboard, and that wall of book shelving is wonderful. Your quilt top is beautiful!
I enjoyed the tour, and thanks for visiting mine. :)
That's a beautiful quilt on your frame! Salvage or repurposed furniture is fantastic! My sewing desk is a craigslist find. You can't beat free or low cost. It sounds like you have an enjoyable space surrounded by warmth and family.
Thanks for visiting my studio. Cheers!
I love the pine cabinet. I looks like your work with a lot of bright colors, which is great. The quilt is really lovely. Thanks for sharing.
wow!! I love your studio! I think that we all need always more room.wonderful quilts. hugs
your workplace looks like so much fun! I've wanted to try a hand at quilting, but maybe when I'm out of med school :)
Nice! I love your gorgeous quilt, and can't wait to see your hand quilting bringing it to life. I agree completely about sewing where the people are. I wouldn't want a sewing studio either, but I would like a fabric room! :>}
I admire your ability to work in that space. I couldn't do it! Not that I have more room or anything; I need solitude, not crowds! Looks like you've done a great job of making it all fit in though :- )
I enjoyed your studio tour! I am grateful that it is a virtual one and I could still see it, even though it's a few days past tour day!
The pine cupboard is fabulous; what a great piece for storage!
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