Do you folks ever have a problem with talking chocolate?
I do.
I never knew what it was that caused a hitherto silent bar of chocolate to begin vocalising, until yesterday...
Yesterday morning I tried on an old pair of linen trousers to make sure they still fit me. Instant 'muffin effect'. Oooops! Bit of cutting back needed here, Heckety me ould bean!
Which was fine. Got on with the day, Eldest to train, errands in town, this'n'that at home, chatted to the mobile Butcher (all the farmers are frantically getting in their silage these fine days), etc, had supper with Middlest, fed the dogs...and then...Hark! a little voice from the larder press:
'Eat Me!'
Ignored it, no problem. Again it comes, bit louder:
'Eat Me!'
Do the washing up, make tomorrow's bread, clean the table.
'Eat Me!'
Leave me alone! Have a cup of tea, write some emails, ring some folks.
'Eat Me!'
Think of the trousers! Think of the trousers! Think of the trousers!
'Eat Me!'
Oh for Pete's sake! So, just to shut it up I went and had two squares.
So much for inanimate objects...So much for strength of will...
The hips were willing, but the mouth was weak.
Oh yes, yes, yes. The only way I can avoid that insidious little voice following me around the house is to give it to Christopher who seems to have the power of shutting it up. And it doesn't talk to him either. So it stays hidden until the weekend when I casually drop a 'got any chocolate?' into the conversation.
Yesterday it was the savory crackers talking to me, but that's probably because we were out of chocolate ;).
Why don't they ever talk to men????
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Hahahah...well just so you know across the big pond in the grand old USA it's not only the chocolate that talks but I can hear cakes with chocolate frosting calling to me in the middle of the night! Yes, yes, I have actually got up in the middle of the night needing to visit the restroom and HEAR the cake calling from the kitchen! lol So yes I lament with the you the down falls that come from talking foods :o)
FYI, I came across your blog from Michele at the Quilting Gallery. Thanks for the laugh, Sarah
It's cookies at our house. :>}
I found your blog seeing the comments at Ulla's PIF post, so I am here. Had to smile when reading this post here. I always wondered why chocolate or other wonderful sweeties can talk to someone (=me!). And as I like to have some silence around me from time to time, what do I do? You may guess....
Greetings from Switzerland
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