Monday 4 June 2012

Me Lonesome Hee Hee!

Yesterday everyone was home at some point, if only to fill the washing machine, use up all the hot water, or top up the fake tan...

This afternoon everyone (husband, children and parents) has left for a variety of destinations- Dublin, Holland, Dublin, Strandhill and Dublin. Guess who gets to mind the dogs, deal with the contents of the washing machine and eat leftovers for a week??

But then again...
a whole week without responsibilities (not including the dogs) or running round after other people (not including the dogs) or being grouched at (certainly not including the dogs since they think I'm wonderful!)...
I could get to like this...
how atrociously can I celebrate and make the most of this first EVER opportunity???

Suggestions please- FAST! They'll start returning on Friday...


Ulla said...

1) Don't cook unless you love to.
2) You'll have all the hot water...
3) Sleep as long as the dogs allow.
4) Enjoy the silence, or play your own kind of music.
That's a start!

Amanda said...

If it were me I'd be looking forward to all the things I could do and then doing none of them because I was worried about the rest of the family, or lonely, or too quiet, or too busy doing all the chores that had mounted up. And then they'd ask what I'd been doing while they'd been away and I'd have nothing to show for it! I do hope your week is more productive/relaxing.

Robin said...

Invite some (female) friends over for a communal dinner - either everyone contributes a course or you all cook (and wash up!) together. Make sure the menu includes all sorts of things you don't normally get to eat ;), and don't forget the wine!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Plenty of sleep, whenever you want, eat when*you* are hungry dont bother getting changed from pjs, (therefore no washing) . . . Whatever you do, Enjoy!!!


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