Tuesday 18 August 2009

Look away!

This has been a horrible day, and this is a real moan. Look away now if you wish.

At what point does my being pleasant and helpful turn into permission to bully me? The lady who asked me to play for her daughter's wedding asked me to keep this morning available to meet her in Sligo town to discuss the music. This morning she rang to say she wanted me in Dromahair this afternoon- not even 'would it suit'? Dromahair being twice as far in the opposite direction. My girls had made arrangements to do things around me being busy in the morning in Sligo but needed to go places in the afternoon. I told her that wasn't possible which made her very unhappy. She said she'd be available on 3rd September and would see me then- I've got visitors and Sos's Debs (Prom) that day so its pretty important to us as a family. Well she's sure I'll make time.

Having discussed it with my co-organist I have written a very polite note to the lady telling her that this is not possible and suggested she ask the Dromahair Organist. Hopefully, end of story.

When I told Mum the saga answer was: 'Its time you learned to tell the difference between a 'woman' and a 'lady'! Ah!

Why do I get so upset when people are unpleasant to me? In the grand scheme of things it hardly even rates a blip.

The Hub, Sos and B have almost finished emptying the spare room. The girls and I went and bought paint in the course of the day, and after work, the Hub and I visited the carpet shop. We chose a new carpet for the sitting room (cement gets kinda cold in the winter...) and the man agreed to bring underlay and lay the second-hand carpet we have for the spare room. The dogs are terribly anxious because they think we are moving house, so at any given moment they are attached to the heel of one or other of us! Makes for dangerous turning around! Tonight the Hub intends to begin painting.

And now for the thing I'm looking forward to:- tomorrow Mum and I are flying to Birmingham, UK and on Thursday to the International Quilt Exhibition! I've never been, in fact I only once went to a small quilt show so I am SO looking forward to this! Dad's given me a spare memory card for his camera and boy! am I going to make the most of this opportunity! My Uncle and Aunt will join us for dinner one night too and they are lovely- I used to live with them when I was a teenager and they still like me, which proves how lovely they are! We return via Dublin on Saturday and I'm staying the night at Dilly's flat. Bro flies in and Big Sister arrives home from her three year South American posting! Its going to be great! And having her home for a few years is going to be even better!

So that is the plan for the next few days. I will tell you all about it when I get back!


Kathy said...

Oh, what rotten remarks from the mother of the bride. Does she think everything revolves around them? On the other hand your trip to the Quilt show sounds wonderful. Have a great time. Take lots of photos for your blog!!!

Little Ms Blogger said...

"Well she's sure I'll make time."

Weddings are important, but if that important she would have kept her appointment this morning instead of rescheduling and making you feel guilty because you keep your obligations.

I've met people that treat others like servants and common courtesy is thrown out the window. It makes me sad to see such horrible behavior.

I'll be curious to see if she responds to your note.

Heckety said...

Thank you people!


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