The celebration was of another order: our Reverend was Ordained 25 years ago exactly! Our M.C. had unearthed a photo from the day, and he and his wife looked so young! The M.C., in preparation for Sunday had baked a cake and, with the Select Vestry, had organised a stay in a lovely retreat up North near Larne for the Rector and his wife during September. She preached from the Book of Joshua, as there are many well-beloved Scripture quotes from Joshua's exhortations to his men. The best known is probably:
'Choose you this day whom you will serve, for me and my house we will serve the Lord.'
Her point, of course, being that our Rector had chosen who to serve and devoted his life to serving. I played all the Minor Canon's favourite hymns and Canticles, and although the Congregation wasn't huge (due to one of Ireland's main Agricultural Shows being on this past weekend) the singing was mighty and I was able to really open up the Organ. It surely was a 'joyful noise unto the Lord', and everyone was wrung out by the end of the Service!
On Saturday there was a funny request from Dilly in Dublin: one of her productions in the Dublin Fringe needs an old travelling trunk as a 'prop' so could she please borrow my Dad's old school trunk? (which houses the Christmas decorations)...Hmmm...I am rather attached to that item, it has a long and venerable history. My Dad grew up on a remote farm on the then Mozambique/Rhodesia border. Getting to his Secondary School involved a five day train journey to and from Grahamstown in South Africa at the beginning and end of each term. Then he came to Ireland to University, by boat. Same trunk. Dilly promises they will look after it and added-'just think of the stories it can tell its grandchildren about being on stage...' Do trunks have grand-trunkie-babes?
This has become awfully long, so I'll continue tomorrow with the 'Tagged' answers!
I just love that quilt. It is just beautiful!
Oh beautiful quilt. What a gift you have made. Stunning.
Do you play piano at home? As you play the church organ. It must have been a sad but happy occasion for you. My Granddad used to play the church organ. He was a Methodist Church lay preacher. He had a wonderful sonorous voice.
I hope the trunk travels well!
Hi, I linked to you blog from Little Ms Blogger's blog.
Your quilt is very beautiful. I love the color.
I linked to your blog because of the comment you left on her post about being thankful to have the time you do with your parents.
I would love to visit Ireland one day.
Sorry I know I seem random but my brain works like that sometimes.
Love your quilt, Hubbys pockets made me laugh!
Thank you people!
Micki- well compared to your quilts I've a way to go!
BT-I practise hymns on the home piano, Sunday mornings early, in particular! There's no sleeping in in our house! The gift of a good voice is under-estimated, your Grandad gave and received pleasure every time he sang I should think! Since our Rector is Welsh you can imagine what he adds to the congregational singing!
Welcome Patty! and thank you for your comment! Random is good, makes sense to me anyhow!
Welcome IPFTC- thank you! I still have to figure which trousers that haul came from to check the pocket lining...but I think I'll quilt today instead!
What a lovely quilt!!! Good for you!
Oh, I love your goings on and such. Nothing like a walk through the garden to the shed, a mystery solved as to why a certain DH has holes in his pockets, then on to the organ recital with all the stops pulled out, and ending up with the journey of the trunk. You are a delight to catch up with, and on top of that you quilt!!!
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