1. Thankful I won a prize on Paulette's Draw last week- its SO exciting as I seldom win anything! I won No. 4!!!! A packet from Canada!!
2. Thankful for friends who are prepared for my 'good' days for lunch and company, and understand that much of the time I have trouble going out. Lunch on Tuesday was great fun!
3. Thankful the Rayburn man came to service our stove so heating, cooking and hot water will continue over the winter!
4. You can laugh at this one as its really obvious; but every morning I am thankful for a hot shower, and even more so now the weather has turned cold! Bliss!
5. And this one might be a bit odd but...Thankful for cartoon artists and their quirky take on life. Every one has different humour but there is probably a cartoon for everyone out there, and we need all the humour we can get! The friend I was at lunch with on Tuesday showed me her newly 'decorated' downstairs loo- a whole wall covered in cutouts of all the cartoons and funny cards she could find! What FUN!
Your Thankful Thursday comment is such a nice idea! Have a happy day and I hope you can fit in some sewing.
I am thankful for hot water, too. I love hot bathes...I so get it!
Great list.
GOD BLESS, andrea
Nothing can beat hot water!!
So glad to see you're on Etsy also!
Great list,
What a lovely post! I am just thankful for my husband Joe.
Great list! Hot water and heat is definitely one thing to be thankful for when so many have neither. Thank you for bringing those things back to the blessings list and as a reminder to be thankful for the things we have each and every day.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Lots of warm ideas!
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