1. Thankful for Craft Shops- that sounds awfully acquisition-is-ish but really they are full of ideas too. I spent ages in the craft shop this morning and the ideas were pouring in think and fast!
2. Thankful I have two good hands! I can sew, knit, quilt, crochet, play the piano and a lot else. I am so thankful for my hands.
3. You can laugh at this one if you like- but I'm thankful for buttons! I love buttons, ever since I was tiddly, looking, arranging, cutting off old clothes, sewing them onto things, the button display in craft shops, big ones, small ones, shell, wood, plastic, funny shapes.....I LOVE buttons!
4. This is an odd one too- I'm thankful for the National Geographic Magazines which have been landing on my mat every month since January 1985! Through them I travel to fascinating places, meet great people, learn about this great planet we live on, gasp, sigh, gaze, admire. And over the years I have used them to teach from in schools too. To me these magazines constantly remind me of the diversity and bounty of this world- who could ever become blase about that? In fact, and you can gasp at my daftness for this if you like!, when we returned from living in East Africa I couldn't bear to part from my Nat Geogs and packed up all 15 years worth to bring home! They are muddy, torn, battered, students have written in them and traced from them...I look at back issues and I remember taking this one on safari to Lake Magadi, that one to the Coast, this one into class to amaze my students. I so enjoy these magazines.

So there you are- this week's Thankfuls.
You're obviously in a 'crafty mood'... lots of interesting thankfuls here!
What an honest and wonderful list this week!!
We get NG too, and now when our new issue comes and I'm reading an article, I'll know you've read the same one! They are fascinating. I'm with you on the button love as well. :>}
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