I've been playing:
But you see I got these great vintage postcard scans from Tricia at French Kissed, Au Bon Marché and Hotel de l'Opéra (I love the appearance of the written word) and I thought I could use them to make shop tags:
Don't laugh, but I fished the pack of little blank cards out of the paper bin in school a few years ago. I printed off the scans, but as the printer is misbehaving they came out greenish so then I tried printing them in black and white. The size of the cards meant I had to cut up the individual printouts, but I think that gives the old handwriting more impact, in some ways.
I'm Irish amn't I? Besides talking, tea drinking is the National Pastime you know! Although Earl Grey would be my usual treat I really like this tea too. Rooibos I drink all the day, but sometimes I need a change!
Then I wrote 'Heckety Beckety Crafts' with silver or gold or green gel pens,
added a bit of glitter on some but not sure if I like that idea
and am adding fabric scraps and teeny buttons on them to embellish them.
I know its only a tag but how often do you keep a pretty tag as a book mark? I do, and thought it might be a nice 'touch'?
Anyhow I'm having great fun! I love cutting and sticking...the child in me I guess! (which is why I still read Winnie-the-Pooh, Dr Seuss, Richard Scarry, Brian Wildsmith, Maurice Sendak- doncha LOVE 'Chicken Soup With Rice'?)
Don't know if you remember but awhile back I ordered online a DIY Desk Calendar for my Dad using his photography (see next door for his photos).
Due to the snow in Britain and the postal system being disrupted it took longer to arrive, but it has turned out beautifully. The photos look even more impressive than on the computer screen as the printing paper is of a very high quality, and Dad is delighted with it.
Don't know if you remember but awhile back I ordered online a DIY Desk Calendar for my Dad using his photography (see next door for his photos).
Due to the snow in Britain and the postal system being disrupted it took longer to arrive, but it has turned out beautifully. The photos look even more impressive than on the computer screen as the printing paper is of a very high quality, and Dad is delighted with it.
If you are curious here's the link to the company, I'll certainly be using them again as my sisters enjoy photography too.
After dropping B off at school (she's in the middle of mock Inter. Cert. Exams poor thing) I had to buy dog food and treated myself to a new tea!
Oh, I nearly forgot- Check out here for several new freebie ETSY Banner Designs! As you know I like playing with banners, and I think these are rather delectable!
Apologies for sending you all over the shop today, but I hope you each find at least one useful thing!
Oh one last thing (Proud Mommy Moment here); B got into the second round of a local singing Competition Wednesday night, ma baba!
When you called Controlled Chaos' daft on our blog, were you saying that she was "stupid" or "crazy"? because both her and I were arguing about it yesterday. lol. she thinks you meant crazy and i think you meant stupid. I KNOW YOU AGREE WITH ME. so just please let her know.
Thanks :) :)
p.s. just because i want u to win, i will NOT enter this contest. lol
Well done to B, it's always great to have them give you a 'proud mother' moment isn't it. Your tags look good, you do look as if you've had lots of fun playing. Lady Grey is my tea of choice if I'm not drinking Roibos or peppermint or camomile.
Ohh I can't even sing well enough to get my cat to tolerate me.
So congrats on that! I would be grinning from ear to ear.
And I won't enter the contest either. So no worries on this end.
And finally....AH HA!!!
Yayy I knew I was right and you're so AWESOME for not giving into CA's demands.
I'm so happy you're a blogger friend.
And not just cuz you're Irish. lol.
Heckety: how could you?
CC: I was not demanding anything. get a life.
I love Lady Grey!!! And Congratulations on your contest win!
Dear CA, I do have a life. A very happy one right now in fact. And that's what you get for thinking Heckety would call me stupid.
And don't guilt her. Stop taking defeat like such a baby.
Some people...I just dunno........
Dear CC,
You are a freaking pean. and dont call me a baby. jerk.
Dear Heckety,
sorry you have to deal with weird ppl like CC.
OK I am so rolling on the floor reading these comments!!!
I'll have to try Lady Grey, I've had Earl but not the Lady!
YES to the tags!!!! They are wonderful to send and put all your contact info on the back so it's handy..I keep all the ones I get with info! And BTW, did the Elf get sold??
To see your tags, my scans. You know what I meant:)hehehe
I'm fresh out of garlic jokes, but ... I dropped in to see your scans. Thank you for giving me credit, my dear!! :) I think the scans turned out nicely! The Bon Marche image really grabs your attention!
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