This morning when the alarm clock went off I was being chased by a lion in a yellow open topped mini, how weird is that? Luckily the alarm scared it off or I'd have been eaten by now.
We had a visiting preacher today as our Rector is on holiday (much needed), and his wife's Father died on Friday so they are up North. All prayers gratefully accepted.
Today's Epistle reading was from Ephesians Ch2 v11-22, about Christ coming to build a new Society working through us as individuals. Rev. Conway pointed out that as far as we Gentiles are concerned the reason for the Jews being the Chosen People was realised in the life, death and Ressurrection of Jesus. Through His Crucifixion Jesus gives everyone the right to be His people and to spend time in His presence through prayer, Bible reading and contemplation. He gives us the privelege of living in hope, coming nearer to Him, the power to destroy divisions and barriers between people and the option of joining together in peace.
To round off his message Rev. Conway quoted John Ch14 v21: 'Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.' That puts loving and obeying together, rather a chicken and egg conundrum- if I don't obey God do I really love Him? If I love Him can I not do as He urges? Think about it!
And now I suppose I'd better peel the potatoes otherwise the chicken will be cooked and the spuds raw, not a tasty combination. Roast carrots I think, and we'll have Swiss chard and spring onion salad as that's all the veg patch is producing at present!
It's a lovely bench and my prayers are with the family.
Thank you! At least prayers we can all do any time, even when we feel like we can't physically help.
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