Does anyone still have this?

Or these?

A few years ago a young neighbour wandered into a friend's house whilst her Dad was sorting his music collection and exclaimed: 'Janey
Mac! you've a lot of black
Frisbees! Haven't you any
coloured ones?' Ever since then we all call records 'black
Anyhow, since we are well into December now, I think it's alright to start playing the black Frisbees- I so enjoy Christmas Music!
My amaryllis is beginning to flower. Each year I am amazed afresh at the huge, intricately coloured flowers! I'll keep you posted on its progress...

And look! I made the cranberry sauce for Christmas...despite it being out of focus I didn't add any booze! Isn't the colour so rich?

And finally, progress is being made on hand quilting the earlier mishap.

I spent the day designing and constructing a Christmas Elf but I'll show you that when it is finished.
My husband still plays all his old albums. He has a stereo system from 1966. I had the turn table repaired a few years ago. We love it.
BTW: you have another award on arise 2 write.
My husband has recorded some of his most favourite black frisbees on CD so he can listen to them while fly-tying in the cellar hobby room.
My son loves the Little Drummer Boy!
I remember listening to all our Christmas favorites on these and they can't be replaced! Brings back so many memories!
I love your homemade quilt and the color of your cranberries looks delicious!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I love anything vintage!
I can't wait to see your Christmas elf!
We have a lot of black frisbees!
What a difference a generation makes! Yep, we have some black frisbees here, too. Cute elf I visited in your Etsy shop.
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