I love candles and candlelight so am always looking for new ways to safely have them around. I've seen pictures of punched tin holders so Nifty Thrifty here thought she'd try making one.
Firstly I removed the label, washed off the glue and scrubbed the tin well- I certainly didn't want 'eau de chilli bean parfum' wafting about later!

I used a nail to hammer a pattern of holes, but I think if I'd used a thinner nail I could have made more holes and a more intricate pattern.
I might add to it again but it was quite tricky stopping the tin from escaping, I should have used the vice, but the shed is too darn cold at the moment.

Apparently if you freeze the tin full of water it makes it less likely to bend, but I saw that in a magazine too late for my enterprise. Anyhow, its kinda fun.
Now my Creativity on the 'Body' theme for which I'm using the five senses:
Sight: my sister gave me a Tiffany Calendar for Christmas as I love stained glass windows. The pictures are beautiful and it made me look more carefully than usual at the windows in Church yesterday.
I don't know the date of this window as it is in the side entryway, and rarely viewed. It depicts the story of Mary and Martha, one of my favourites. Since folks have been knocking our Church building around since the 1260's it's a bit difficult to find out the history- but I know this window is in a different style to the ones in the nave. Its beautiful.
Hearing: You know the way one can hear things over and over and then once in a blue moon the truth or beauty or irrelevance of the words suddenly hits one afresh? Well it was like that yesterday- suddenly the beauty of the words in Morning Prayer hit me as though I was hearing them for the first time (which I wasn't!).

'Beloved in Christ,
we come together to offer to Almighty God
our worship and praise and thanksgiving,
to confess our sins and to receive God's forgiveness,
to hear his holy word proclaimed,
to bring before him our needs and the needs of the world,
and to pray that in the power of his spirit
we may serve him and know the greatness of his love.'
Such a wealth of imagery and words!
Touch: On Friday I
waxed part of the old wooden dresser, which is a very tactile job, and satisfying.
Smell: When it is frosty have you noticed how the air is just searingly cold and pure? And then there is a puff of turf or wood smoke from the chimney and it is startling in its intensity after the nothingness of the frosty air?
Taste: A hot cup of rooibos tea after a couple of hours of hard housekeeping work!

After visiting some of the other 'Creative Challenge' people last week I think I'm on totally the wrong track. You should have a look (follow the links from the sidebar logo), there is some amazing artwork and esoteric writing happening out there. Obviously there are some very talented artists involved, not just silly people like me drifting along trying to add meaning to the everyday mundane stuff.
Ah well, c'est la vie en pays!
I love the tin candle holder. What a great idea. It is very cold here, too. It was 13 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. I am going to have to get me some hot coffee or tea, soon.
I love the candleholder! (I'm feeling a crafting frenzy coming on) I like your take on the CED challenge. I think it's the diversity of responses that makes it so interesting.
I love the candleholder! (I'm feeling a crafting frenzy coming on) I like your take on the CED challenge. I think it's the diversity of responses that makes it so interesting.
I love the candleholder! (I'm feeling a crafting frenzy coming on) I like your take on the CED challenge. I think it's the diversity of responses that makes it so interesting.
You are doing great! It should be personalized or modified to fit **you** when you do memes. I enjoyed it. Happy Monday!
What a great way to use a can - and makes candles much safer.
Thanks for stopping by!
I bet yout candle holder looks pretty at night.I like how you mentioned all the senses.Great Pictures,I think your on the right track.
I enjoy reading about how you find beauty in the everyday things you see and do. I love the punched tin, I bet it looks really pretty at night with a candle in it. Enjoy your roibos tea - that's my tea of choice too.
I love the candle holder. And your art and view of life is uniquely beautiful.
I just saw on your sidebar that you are knitting a dress. A dress! Not a scarf or a pair of mittens, or socks, but a dress! I am very impressed, and hope we will get to see it in progress as well as finished. I haven't knit anything in years, and when I did it was just simple (very simple) things. It might be fun to try again.
Oh, sweetie, you're not on the wrong track at all! I love what you're doing with the theme (I'm actually planning a 5 senses theme in the future and I'd love to point to the awesome work you're doing here then!)
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