Mind you, it was stormy and sleet/snow all yesterday, coming from due North, to the extent that the weather is forcing itself through the panels of the front door.
Puddles inside on the hall tiles.
And the second 'not according to plan' but a FAAAAR nicer surprise was to discover that I'd won a prize over at Everyday Bliss! Howzat for GOBSMACKED?? (Yeh, yeh, not a very polite word but VERY evocative and I can't think of a better one just now!!)
Listen to this:
'Grand Prize Winner of $50.00 to spend in the BLISS SHOP(s) of her choice is the lovely Heckety all the way from Ireland and the beautiful blog At Home with Heckety.'
(Not only do I win a prize but she thinks I'm lovely- so put that in your pipe and smoke it Daughters! (who have been complaining I'm a disgrace and an embarassment all weekend...))
(No, its just tea in the mug-honest).
What I was intending this morning was a nice genteel post about another wonderful Etsy Shop I found- in Helsinki, no less, and some photos of the parcel which arrived yesterday. Now she's going to think I'm a mad bogger (or blogger?) from the West and be terrified to open her emails any more...OH DEAR...
(Yes, the credit card ban is still in place- I 'borrowed' it when he wasn't looking...ok, technically, I nicked it...)
The Shop is Maili Supplies and she sells fabric, modern and vintage, mostly Finnish design, Marimekko...and very reasonable prices I thought.
And Ulla look! Maija-Liisa even included a Marimekko fridge magnet!!! The bold green and white I am going to use with the lovely Marimekko fabrics Ulla sent me back awhiles- and that quilt is going to be for ME, not the shop!
Aren't they lovely? And Tricia look! Finnish stamps!!
This is the most amazing fabric- the Shop photo didn't really do it justice! I don't know whether I'll ever be able to cut it up? I'm wondering about using it for whopping big cushions? Wouldn't you just smile every time you saw this??
Even the tape on the outside was fun!
So do head over and have a gawkeen? There's loads to see- I left you some...
And before I forget, Tricia has a Challenge going on if you fancy entering! Something different!
And the second thing I intended to say today is to apologise for not visiting any of you much the last fortnight, my head being full of the Shop and Logistics for the weekend. Now I'll get back on track, starting with a week of The Cabbage Soup Diet, I think, after the amount of junk and lack of whole meals ingested over the weekend...before I become like Winnie-the-Pooh and get stuck in doorways:

I'm glad you are making a quilt for yourself! The fabrics bring back memories. It will be exciting to see your quilt in progress.
Congrats that you won!!! What a nice surprise:))) You sure keep busy don't you? Snow?? Ugh--glad we finally have some sunshine and warmer weather here. And yes, if you come to the states--we meet up!
I LOVE the flower fabric! Gorgeous!!!
I think you are quite lovely, TOO!!! Congrats on your fantastic prize!!!
Happy Tuesday to you my sweet Irish friend. I apologize for not yet posting about your lovely gift to me. I promise I will get it posted. I want to share my beautiful treasures with everyone. I hope you will forgive me for not yet posting a picture of my beautiful hand made goodies.
Hugs and prayers, andrea
Snow,,, Yuck...We have had about 4-5 inches of rain since yesterday! We are just glad it's not snow, being I'm in New England...anything can happpen!
Congratulations on your win!
The flower fabric is gorgeous, just what's needed in these dull days. We've had rain and sleet, but thankfully no snow. Mind you, it's cold enough for snow, so I won't be surprised if some does turn up.
Oh yeah and super congratulations on winning your giveaway! WOO HOO!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You know as I get back on my feet again and start sorting through my fabrics from years of quilting, I'm going to send you some fun fabrics! I know you will absolutely love them and can't wait to make your day.
You are beautiful, amazing and I love knowing that I have a friend on the lovely green island of Ireland. So when can I come for a visit?? Seriously!!
I've always wanted to visit and it's time to make some life dreams come true.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I love the Irish in you...this post really made me smile...and snow????did you say snow??? it's springtime not wintertime. Congrats on the winning. Sarah
I found your blog through Trishia, French Kissed, I love your comments and your blog is lovely and made me laugh so much!
Congratlations on your win:)
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