Its been an odd two days. Sos had a fall and cut her head Thursday and seems to be suffering from shock and mild concussion. The school and college nurses have been monitoring her but she insisted on getting on with things. This afternoon I got her, brought her home and plonked her in bed. She should have been working in the florist the last two evenings, and is convinced she will be there tomorrow. I don't know, its a bit worrying.
There have been a few addled moments recently...I tried to plug my mobile phone charger into my tea cup this morning and spilled tea down the back of the freezer as well as on the charger. Both appear to be still working.
Yesterday I put a load of dirty laundry in the oven, though B Bug discovered them before I turned on the stove, and then I accidentally re-washed a clean load of laundry instead of hanging it up to dry.
I really think that if the family took over the household chores and I was left to just get on and make all the ideas and quilts flowing through my mind then accidents of this nature would become a thing of the past...
Oh and I forgot to use a pan for the fried eggs yesterday and broke the eggs straight onto the stove top- but its a plate so although messy, not a disaster!
On Tuesday, for the first time in 20 something years I managed to get the feed dogs or whatever you call'ems to retract on my sewing machine so have been slowly working on machine quilting the border of the TTTF quilt. It's great fun, and reasonably successful:
And also, this catalogue arrived last week- have you seen Nomad's clothes? My girls want everything, of course! But their stuff is lovely, and, speaking from experience, although the fabric is beautifully soft and fine, it is wearing well on the clothes we have.

Tonight the Hub and B Bug are singing for a Charity 'Do' to raise money for a local MS Therapy Center. The Hub is going as Rhydian and BBug as Idina Menzel. The Hub is trying to go blond but so far he is a virulent shade of ginger!
It sounds like a pretty hectic and confused day all round - are you suffering from sympathetic concussion perhaps? Can't help with the quilting I'm afraid, I have similar problems, but find it's a little easier if I go more slowly on those bits that I know cause problems. It might be your tension, so you could try different tensions on some scraps. I hope the concert goes well tonight.
I can't really help you too much with the quilting problem, except to say that I don't do the quilting designs as tight together as you do, so maybe that is why you are having the problem, but it may not be that at all.
Have you stopped taking the pills ?
:-) x x x
Hey! Its the QUILT that's loopy- not ME!!!?!
Guess what I got in the mail today? Another adorable package from you! I love the little handcrafted pin. I pinned it to my youngest daughters outfit today while she was doing school, since the words, "Oh mom!" were the first thing to come out when she saw it.
Then her and I sat down and began to consume Jelly Babies while I did school with her. Those are addicting when you aren't watching and I had to physically remove them from my sight.
You are one amazing friend! I love you!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
"There have been a few addled moments recently...I tried to plug my mobile phone charger into my tea cup this morning and spilled tea down the back of the freezer as well as on the charger. Both appear to be still working."
Only dark beer will do in an electronic device LOL..keep a watchful eye on the kiddo!
xoxoxoxo :o)
Love your blog....the design is great...will beb back to read more
AAK! Sounds like a tough few days. Hope your daughter is feeling better, and that your kitchen mishaps are over.
LOL Sounds like you need some B12!!
I never could machine quilt--always did it by hand but it looks like your tension is too tight.Hope you have it worked out by now:)
Do you know I came by and read this when you posted it, but I clicked on the Nomad's link...and never came back to comment!!!
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