1. Thankful for the beautiful weather we've been having; arising to blue skies and sunshine every morning is just wonderful!

(got the photos off the school website!) And the report from today's 'Irish Times' Newspaper.

4. Thankful for parcels in the post- 'brown paper packages tied up with string'- so exciting!
6. Thankful for great surprises- like when I get an email to say I've won a prize! Thank you Kat and Jane!
And now I'm going to go sew- a bit of quilting on a border, play with Ulla's fabric as I've had an idea, make a batch of bread, look for a flying geese pattern for some of the purple fabric from yesterday, wind the two skeins of red wool into balls so I can knit them, and check the soup!
S'long folks!
Isn't it great when it's easy to find things to be thankful for. And you seem to be on a bit of a Julie Andrews kick at the moment!
Beautiful thank you list!! Happy Sewing!!
Blessings, andrea
Love the picture of the girls interacting, LOL!!
Visit the jungle today for a few picks of my countryside!!
I love surprises too. Great post. Praise the Lord!
Your family looks so peaceful. I wish mine was, haha, great list and I loved the photos.
Nothing better than being at home with all your girls! Life doesn't get any better! Enjoy and I can't wait to see what Jane makes you!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I'm thankful to have learned your name is Heather; an especially lovely name I have always admired.
Your home looks very pleasant and peaceful.
Enjoy your family all being together! I'm thankful it's Friday. Have a great weekend!
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