But I over estimated the amount of wool in the ball, or, to be more exact, under-estimated the woggledyness of it.
I just bought the one ball because I liked it, without considering what I would use it for- story of my life!!
Anyhow, its a short neck scarf, or draft excluder, if you'd rather, with a button pin to fasten it closed. It sits nice and close, and the woggledy wool has crocheted into a lovely soft tweedy effect, as you can see. As soon as I can grab a gargoyle I'll take photos and post it in the Shop.
Actually, have you had a look at the 'New In' section? Its beginning to look nice and Springish!
I feel a Log Cabin Quilt coming on, and, since its bally-yonks since I made one, I think I will succumb to the yearning!
Bold colours, I feel, something outrageous...possibly even quite lurid!
...red perhaps? I got a new packet of red dye on Friday which is also calling to me...and some fabulous purple hand-dyed fabric from Vicki which is eating holes in my imagination...
How does Purple and Red grab yez?
Do tell, O Sageous Ones?!