Saturday 21 July 2012

Slow Clothing....Huh?

I've heard of Ethical Fashion and Up-cycled garments, customising and altering, donating unwanted clothes to charities or what's that swapping clothes movement know what I mean...but Slow Clothing??? Really??Makes it sound like if I move too fast for my clothes I'll leave them behind...d'you think I should start keeping on my pyjamas underneath my clothes in future? For the sake of the unsuspecting public, you know?

But wait! You haven't heard the exact definition of Slow Clothing yet, as per the dubious Wikipedia (I like Wikipedia, just heard others slagging it):

The term "Slow Fashion" was coined by Kate Fletcher in 2007...based on the same principals of the Slow Food Movement, as the alternative to mass produced clothing.

Some examples of slow fashion practices include:
  • Opposing and boycotting mass produced fashion.
  • Choosing artisan products to support smaller businesses, fair trade and locally-made clothes.
  • Buying secondhand or vintage clothing and donating unwanted garments.
  • Choosing clothing made with sustainable, ethically-made or recycled fabrics.
  • Choosing quality garments that will last longer, transcend trends (a "classic" style), and be repairable.
  • Doing it yourself - making, mending, customising, altering, and up-cycling your own clothing.
  • Slowing the rate of fashion consumption: buying fewer clothes less often.
The Slow Fashion movement is a unified representation of all the "sustainable", "eco", "green", and "ethical" fashion movements...A key phrase repeatedly heard in reference to Slow Fashion is "quality over quantity"...slowing down the rate of clothing consumption by choosing garments that last longer.

Bet ya didn't know that then?!! Or, like me, yous all did, but thought it was called 'thrift' or (shock! horror!) COMMON SENSE!!!!

So now, all of us stingy dressers who buy our clothes in Boutique de Charity and re-wear our garments until we are simply stitching the mended parts together, can refer to ourselves as being part of the ultra-trendy ethical Slow Fashion Movement!

Oh my family are soooo gonna expire laughing over this notion!!!


Orange Crumpled Napkin said...

Ok, look. I will probably be showing my age; by why would one’s normal, day-to-day budget decisions need to be a movement? When I was young and just starting out, I didn’t buy new clothes at the mall. I wasn’t boycotting mass produced clothing; I just couldn’t afford them. I also repaired my clothes and only owned just enough to get through the week. I still do all of these things. But this urge to be a part of a movement? Slow cooking? I called that making dinner. Wonky blocks? I call those sloppy piecing. Only buying used furniture? I’m looking around my home now. My mattresses I bought new because I have a thing about bed bugs, oh and the sewing tables are new that I bought at Ikea a few years back, but that’s it. I laugh at those young adults who truly believe they have discovered a new way of life and then preach so self-righteously about their “enlightened” ways. Such narcissists. Who raised them? I mean, why would picking up after themselves, cooking their own meals and taking care of their own possessions seem like such novel and different and revolutionary ideas? UGHHH!!!!

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Lol, I've been part of that movement for years! Slow food passed me by, my family think the basic food groups are frozen, convenience and takeaway! But slow clothes I can do. And doubly if you count the clothes that I keep because I *may* one day lose the extra 2 stone and they will fit again!


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