If you're a bear you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months.
I could deal with that!
Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid.
I could deal with that, too.
If you're a bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you're sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute cuddly cubs.
I could definately deal with that.
If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too.
I could deal with that.
If you're a bear your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.
Yup!...Gonna be a bear.
(sent to me by my sister many years ago, and held onto for the bad times- it usually cheers me up. Enjoy your day Sister Bears!)
Yes, I think she's right--I want to be a bear too! LOL!
Glad you liked it- that one was for you and me both! Thank you for visiting!
Yes, besides them being so cute, you brought up some good points.
I'm not sure they're so cute- I was chased by two bears in Yosemite when I was little, my Dad never moved so fast before or since! But I love teddy bears...
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