The garage hasn't yet managed to get the Hub's car road-worthy due to dealing with so many emergencies, and since the weather has turned bitter again, its not feasible for him to cycle, so, no car for me. (Meh! as eldest says when she feels short-changed.)
Loads of housekeeping to catch up, really exciting stuff, like laundry- I'm pretty sure that the girls came home with no clothes of their own and wore Youngest's all else to explain the amount of laundry needing to be done?
The Christmas Tree needs to come down today, should have been yesterday, traditionally, but the folks offered us a day out to Enniskillen so we jumped on their band-wagon and went! They needed the company, you know?! Photos next door, it was a beautiful winter's day.
I really am trying to balance out family and everything else, but my head feels like there are windmills inside. Its difficult to concentrate when so many things need immediate attention...whoops, and the dog just got his paw caught in the flex of the good lamp- golly! but that was a good save missus!!
Despite the low temperatures (or is it because of them?) its a beautiful day today, incredible blue sky with hardly a cloud in sight, light bone-disintegrating breeze, and the frost and snow dusting is melting in the sunshine. Sunny days in Winter are so truly beautiful!
Great family photos. And I love the doll, what a great design. Oh for some fresh, bright, crisp winter days like that, we've had grey and gloom and dreary and wet for ages. No fun at all.
I love your pretty! I see that you will be busy with lots of laundry!
I enjoyed the pic of your area!
AH..... blue sky blue sky.... I thought that maybe it had gone for good. You have it up there.
Laundry ?
Dump it in the cupboard and it might all be washed and come out clean by the little folk.... maybe the one on the stairs..... :-) Your quite right, dream on. Good luck, don't you just love that washing machine ?
Doll is a gem by the way :-) x x x
Seems to me that things are always a bit disjointed after the Christmas holidays. There may be a few totally organized people in the world who don't have this problem, but personally I think they are lying, or maybe they are just a myth.
The doll is great! I imagine you heard some squeals of delight when youngest got her hands on her new gothic dolly. Nothing quite equals a teenage girl's squeal either--how's your ears doing?
Love the doll and your Christmas tree, sorry it had to come down I would guess.
Hi, How are you doing? From the sounds of it you sound like me! I have so many things to do my head is spinning and I don't know where to start. Your family photo's are so nice! Your daughters are beautiful!
I do love your Christmas tree. Too bad we have to take them down. Although I do have a holiday tree that I keep up all year. I have to admit I love it too. I change the ornaments for the seasons..
I did get your cards and they are beautiful! Thank you very much. I really do love them.
I love the pictures of Ireland. I hope to go there some day. My mother have been there a few times and loves it!
Thanks for visiting my friend!
I can so related to all the so many things to do...seems there is never enough time anymore. But there's never any shortage of the things to do! That doll is beautiful. I love it! What a fabulous gift for your daughter. Loved seeing your photos too.
Wow! That doll is gorgeous, and you are so talented! So fun seeing photos and meeting folks from other countries! Thanks for stopping to see me from Lady Blogger's Society!
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