Let it Rain, Blow, Snow
And about that other thing we all do in the New Year, that dodgy issue...Resolutions...
I've some new ideas which will hopefully be of interest to yez all, but for the second year in a row I am avoiding making any actual Resolutions. Its not that I disagree with them on princip

But on the other hand, I would like to achieve a more balanced daily life, so perhaps that should be a Resolution?
Colletta had the idea to do a sort of project along those lines through the year and I went and got the book: there's a fairly grey line between 'good intentions' and 'resolutions', isn't there!
And finally, something Nikon Sniper posted during Christmas week...if this doesn't fill your heart...well...what can I say?!
I don't go in for resolutions either, but there's something about a new year that makes me want to change a few things, make a few things better, make things new. It must be early spring fever. But I'm still not making resolutions, too easy to fail, but I'm thinking positive thoughts. Well, as far as I can positive when we've had yet another fall of snow this morning.
No resolutions for me! What is that they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions...so haha, no. I do have some things I'm going to try to accomplish this year however, but I'm not going to put pressure on myself, got enough already! I love your blog design, very pretty! You should leave it up so it can be Christmas all year round!
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