Tuesday 28 June 2011

Of Heckety's Cooking

I just made a batch of Drop Scones/ Flapjacks. Very tasty, and to my non-gluten requirements. Youngest came over to have a look, and test one, and remarked:

‘Ah, Carbon Flapjacks!’

She had a point. When I turned around from the stove, visibility in the kitchen was a bit low…

Still, it’s always good to know that the smoke alarm is working… and with my cooking it does get a regular workout!

Actually, I used to have a cross-stitch hanging in the kitchen which said:

'Dinner will be served when the smoke alarm goes off.'

I should re-hang it....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm always thankful that there are two sides to every piece of toast, drop scone, fish finger etc!


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